About us
Here at DTCDC we are committed to providing a learning environment that is nurturing and wholesome while introducing our children to spiritual, physical , mental and social awareness. Our philosophy is : " Train up a child in the way he should go ; when he is old, he will not depart from it." ( Proverbs 22:6)
Our balanced curriculum covers a variety of concepts designed to nurture the "whole child" and to identify children , birth at age 5, who may be at risk of developmental delays. We have established written policy that states the program is inclusive of children with special needs. We support the development of the individual needs of all children and youth , recognizing their special interest, feelings, abilities and cultures.
High reach learning and some of the fundamentals of creative curriculums are the curriculums of choice . Each curriculum is based on sound scholastic concepts, common sense user friendly teaching techniques, independent thinking and creativity along with the word of God principles for learning. Our teachers plan their daily lessons and teach in the following areas: Bible , Nutrition and table etiquette, classroom habits , large & small motor skills , phonics/reading and writing , language , numbers and mathematical concepts , social and physical development , art/creativity and music, just to name a few !
The Centers hours are from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except on recognized holidays. We are closed on the following holidays:
New Years Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
4th Of July
Thanksgiving Day( and Day after)
Veterans Day
Christmas Day
Labor Day
Memorial Day
Good Friday
Christmas Day( and Day after)